With Today FM you can listen live or listen back to all of your favourite shows
Whether it is getting your fix of Gift Grub and The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show or having a laugh with Dave Moore to going home well-informed thanks to Matt Cooper on The Last Word, The Today FM app will have you sorted morning, noon and night.
・Easily discover and subscribe to Today FM original podcast series
・Discover new podcasts based on your listening history and preferences or take a look at what is popular
・Enjoy non-stop music on our new digital music stations and playlists curated by our own music experts for every mood and occasion
・Stream or download your favourite podcast episodes for offline listening
・Smart Speaker supported
・Android Auto supported
ChromeCast any stream to your TV or speaker for a different listening experience
What's New
* We've simplified the Tab Bar to make the app simpler to navigate
* NEW - Library tab is the new home for all your content including, downloads, likes, series you follow and personal episode playlists.
* NEW - Playlists - You can now create your own playlists of podcast episodes from the episode more menu
* We've improved our in app notifications for better visibility
* We've also made some bug fixes and improvements to make the app more responsive
For a more personalised experience, sign in and you can
・Play music streams - ready-made playlists curated by music experts that suits your mood or occasion
・Easily discover and subscribe to the podcasts everyone’s talking about
・Download podcasts for offline listening
・Use the new ‘Like’ feature to bookmark your favourite stations and podcasts for easy access later